What is Lysozimo?


The mucous membrane of the mouth, conjunctiva and respiratory tract, i.e. in organs constantly exposed to various types of microorganisms, contains lysozyme - a protein enzyme that is of great importance in building immunity.

What exactly is lysozyme?

Lysozyme is a widespread protein with a low molecular weight (14,000 Da). Due to its small mass, it participates in the body's non-specific immune response, i.e. in the first reaction to the pathogen. Lysozyme occurs in a large number of tissues, organs and biological fluids of representatives of the kingdoms of living organisms, which means also in humans and animals. Its natural substrate are bacterial cell membranes.

Fun fact
Lysozyme was discovered in 1921 by the Scottish microbiologist Alexander Fleming (the same who is known for inventing penicillin). He observed the reaction that occurred after drops of nasal mucus combined with the agar medium - this led to lysis, i.e. the breakdown of bacteria growing on it. Fleming thus discovered the bacteriolytic agent and the following year named it lysozyme . (Gajda, Bugla-Płoskońska, 2014)

Properties of lysozyme

Lysozyme can withstand cooking for up to 3 minutes, its optimal temperature is +60°C. In dried form, it withstands 2-hour sterilization at +160°C. Lysozyme is not afraid of acidic environments, but it is unstable in alkaline environments - it is most active at pH between 5 and 7. UV radiation can inactivate it very quickly.

Mechanism of action of lysozyme

The therapeutic effect of lysozyme is based on its antimicrobial properties, which depend on its enzymatic activity. It has the ability to partially or even completely decompose cell membranes of microorganisms, i.e. FUNGUS:

It affects especially saprophytes, but also has a positive effect against other pathogenic strains. The action of lysozyme leads to the formation of a large number of holes in cell membranes, and the structural components inside become disorganized. The enzyme lysozyme slows down the reproduction of viral particles by stimulating the production of interferon in tissues. Interferon plays an extremely important role in the immune process.

Lysozyme belongs to the group of bacteriolytic enzymes, i.e. it has the ability to dissolve some bacteria. It has an analgesic effect and stimulates the regeneration of tissues and cells. It also has antimicrobial activity enhanced by combination with antibacterial drugs (especially streptomycin). It takes part in regenerative processes, building immunity and healing damage to the oral mucosa.

Fun fact
The process of licking the young, which is common among mammals, is associated with the transfer of lysozyme to them by the mother. While licking, a protective barrier is created on the young's body. Thanks to its low molecular weight, the lysozyme enzyme and other nutrients penetrate the skin and enter the animal's body. Thanks to lysozyme, his skin acquires bacteriolytic abilities (dissolving bacteria) - this results in an automatic increase in immunity.

What is Lysozimo ?

It is a drink containing an extract from fermented lactic acid bacteria as an active ingredient. Lizozimo is an energy-tropic product, which literally translates from Russian as an energy-increasing tool. The energy-tropic effect is related to the regulation of energy metabolism. Substances with an energy-tropic effect, in short, stimulate the functioning of the human brain. This topic is explored more extensively in the East, where energy-tropic therapy is used in treatment. In Poland, it is associated with a sympathicotonic effect, i.e. correlated with the sympathetic nervous system, causing a state of increased tension in it, affecting mental arousal [1,2,3]


The preparation is obtained during the biotechnological production of metabiotics from the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus Er-2 strain 317/402 Narine . Its characteristic feature is an appropriately high content of lysozyme , additionally it contains a range of other substances and amino acids : serine, tryptophan, methionine, glutamic acid, valine, histidine, leuchine, isoleucine, ascorbic acid (vit. C), riboflavin (vit. B2), thiamine (vit.B1), pyridoxine (vit.B6), tocopherol (vit.E), vitamin D3, vitamin A, lactic acid, AMP (antimicrobial peptides): bacteriocins, acidocins. Lizozimo is characterized by the division of the extract components into metabolic components , i.e. secretory components of lactic acid bacteria and bacterial components , i.e. Narine lactic acid bacteria.

Fun fact
On the third day of feeding, cows feed their young with lysozyme. Then its content in milk increases to as much as 30 μg / ml - this translates into the destruction of bacterial cells and the regeneration of affected tissues, i.e. specific support for the calves' immunity.

Benefits of using Lizozimo?

Lizozimo, thanks to the content of lysozyme and a large amount of other vitamins and amino acids, has a positive effect on the human body. It has a stimulating effect on the immune system and mobilizes the non-specific, i.e. first defense reaction of the body . The preparation supports the functioning of the circulatory system by participating in the process of hematopoiesis, i.e. blood production. Lizozimo ingredients also have bactericidal properties (lysozyme has the ability to destroy bacteria), antitoxic and anti-inflammatory properties . Lizozimo also supports cellular regeneration and facilitates the wound healing process . Lysozimo also causes the growth of lactic acid bacteria living in the intestine, their native environment.

is indicated as:

  • preparation improving immunity,
  • a tool that stimulates a non-specific immune response,
  • anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent,
  • support of the hematopoietic process,
  • cell regeneration stimulator,
  • preparation supporting wound healing,
  • antitoxic agent.
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It is a drink containing an extract from fermented lactic acid bacteria as an active ingredient. Lizozimo is an energy-tropic product.

1.Neudakhin EV, Talitskaya OE Energy tropic therapy of psychoemotional disorders in children and adolescents with autonomic dystonia. breast cancer. Mother and child. 2021;4(1):77-84. DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2021-4-1-77-84. ригинальная статья опубликована на сайте РМЖ (Русский медицинский журнал): http://www.rmj.ru/articles/pediatriya/Energotropnaya_terapiya_psihoemocionalynyh_rasstroystv_u_detey_i_podrostkov_s_vegetativnoy_distoniey/#ixzz7kzSUgKbT Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
2. Prusiński A., Basics of clinical neurology., Warsaw: PZWL, 1977, p. 66 https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympatykotonia
3. https://5prawnatury.pl/metody-terapiaczne-2/
4. https://www.dine4fit.pl/emulgator/e1105
5. Gajda E., Bugla-Płoskońska G., Lysozyme - occurrence in nature, biological properties and possible applications , Postepy Hig Med Dosw (online), 2014; 68: 1501-1515 e-ISSN 1732-2693

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